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Book - A Hero in my Nose

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By Edicare

Book - A Hero in my Nose

Breaking news: snot is not a disease, so you can go to school with it!

It lives among us especially during the colder months, likes to go to school and clings to our noses, ready to protect us from any illness. Snot may look a little disgusting, but it is a very important defense mechanism for our body.

In fact, snot is a superhero!

Highlights: Hardcover book; fun illustrations; pertinent and scientific facts, transmitted in a simple and appealing way; in a simple and fun way, it demystifies and enlightens children on an issue that is not always very appealing.

*This book is recommended by the LER+ National Reading Plan program.
The National Reading Plan is a public initiative, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and was created with the aim of raising literacy levels.*

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